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Writer: Amy Scoles PhotographyAmy Scoles Photography

I feel I owe you all an apology. I know I have been virtually inactive for the last two months. As many of you know already, my family and I had a very difficult holiday season that started with a miscarriage and ended with the stomach flu :( I said many times throughout December that I felt as though our Christmas was under direct attack from the devil...It felt as though Satan was coming at us from every angle to distract us from or celebrations and to steal our joy. But I am proud to say that, amidst ALL the struggles, my sweet family has drawn closer together and closer to Jesus. It is only through our prayers and faith that my family was able to stay focused on what really matters...God's love for us and sharing that love with those around us. There have certainly been tears and questions but through them all there is a resounding answer...all in His timing. While we may not ever understand why these things happened, how we got through them or even what to do next, what we do know is that we have given control over to God and we are trusting in His perfect plan for our lives.

Now, at the start of a new year, we are settling in to our for D, more photography for me and homeschool schedules for the boys. Today was our first day "back to school" and the boys fell back in to their routine as if we'd not just taken a LONG break...they soaked up their lessons and have seemed to enjoy every minute of knowing what to expect next. I am back to planning and preparing some changes for my photography business and some new events coming soon!

Guys, God is faithful. He is constant and His love never ends and never fails us. If you are in a season of out to Him! If you are starting new adventures this year...thank Him for those opportunities! If you are settling in to new or familiar routines after the rush of the holidays...lean on Him for comfort! He is with you through every single season of life and He longs to hear your voice lifted to Him in prayer, petition or praise!



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